What?? My Scale Is Turning Over A New Leaf? – My Weight Battle

My Weight Loss Journal

The past few days have been very difficult in coping with my size.  My husband sensing my frustration suggested the possibility of liposuction.  Another life lesson for guys to learn.  Don’t suggest or give tips on weight loss to your other half no matter how sincere your intentions are.  If you value your life or want to risk a limb then go for it.  I took it too personally and fell apart emotionally.  Was I beyond losing anymore pounds?  I am not a fan of any sort of surgery whatsoever.  In the end he meant well but the damage was done.  I remembered my friend many years ago having liposuction done and she looked like someone had beaten her royally.  She couldn’t even go to the bathroom without assistance for the first couple of days.  It was terrible and after it was said and done she still looked the same to me.  I know technology has improved since then but I don’t want to do something that expensive and possibly have nothing to show for it.

I heard of infrared body wraps over a year ago which are a lot cheaper and seem like a great way to get an hour to relax in the day.  So I bought a session through Groupon last night for $29.  If it stinks I’m only out $29 and an hour out of my life.  So no big deal there.  I’ve also kicked around the idea of acupuncture for my hormones.

Coming from my perspective, I have been obese for over 16 years now so yes extreme options have and will be considered.  Will I go through with these options?  Most of the time no.  Too expensive or too extreme.  I am looking towards long term health.

Things did turn around nicely this morning.  I brought out my friend out.  The scale and I have a love/hate relationship.  Most of the time it’s hate.  I’m calling it a friend today.  I lost another pound and am down to 223.  I have a lot of hope for the first time in quite a while and am as anxious as a kid on Christmas Eve.  I know I am going to lose some more weight but how long will I have to wait for that next pound to disappear?  I know…..patience and keep doing what I am doing..

Somehow I have still maintained my diet except for one part.  It’s a good part.  I have backed off of the raw trail mix.  It’s too high in fat.  I inputted my info on fitness pal for the first time in months and got popped on the fat content of the trail mix.  All the other stuff looked great.   I pound down and a bunch to go…

Birthday Party Mayhem and Having Fun Drowning – My Weight Loss Battle Weekend

Weight Loss Journal

I am lumping up a couple days into one.  I have survived the weekend and its shenanigans.  This weekend was an endurance test for me.  It started out on Friday evening with an adult game of water polo.  As most people don’t know, you don’t just jump in play a game of water polo.  I am glad that I at least knew the concept of the game and I knew what I was in for.  So we played for an hour non-stop.  No breaks, no touching the bottom of the pool.  I was red faced and panting so hard I thought I was going to be a dying goldfish at one point and go belly up.  My poor brave husband was daring enough to try also.  He ended up with two severe leg cramps and trouble walking all weekend.  In the end we stumbled out of the pool and managed to get home.  We collapsed like Popsicle sticks in a poorly constructed school project.  The one bright side to all this madness was I had no muscle soreness.  Tired?  Heck ya!

I decided to abstain from weighing myself over the weekend.  I did weigh myself this morning and I am back down to the 224 pound mark.    So I am not going to weigh myself for a couple of days and play it by ear.  That’s what I am saying anyways.

Saturday was spent prepping for my son’s 11th birthday party which was a sleepover.  I don’t know what I was thinking!  The movie and Bingo game kept them occupied for a couple of hours.  Ping Pong didn’t work.  I don’t even know where the balls now reside.  I could only entertain seven wild boys for only so long.  For some reason they reminded me of the kids from The Goonies.  They stayed up till 3:30 am.  We took turns after midnight to quiet down and go to sleep.  Finally at 2:30 am I was at my wits end.  I got up and told them unless they wanted to get up and help me clean house in two hours they better go to sleep.  I never heard a peep from them after that.  So house chores are a good threat for boys.  At 7:00 am I got up to make the boys pancakes.  I felt like I had been partying all night long.  Soon the parents came and got their kids and I retreated back to the bedroom and took a nap for a couple of hours.  So Sunday most of the day was spent being tired.   Today is just a regular day focused on work, kids’ schools, and everyday stuff.  The word exercise is banned for today.


The Fried Chicken Meltdown – A Never Ending Struggle

Weight Journal

Day 4

The day at work was the usual.  Nothing exciting there.  Things went started to go downhill really fast when I got home.  My daughter’s shoulder has worsened and is off of exercising till she sees the doctor next week.  My son still has leftover snotty crude from the flu so it was best to forget the kids going to the pool.  Then my husband came up and said he was too tired to swim.  He hadn’t exercised all week.  So I don’t think he was that tired.  I was getting frustrated.  I threw in the towel for the moment and started to warm up the oven to cook chicken.  I realized we were totally out of plain yogurt and butter.  Fortunately the store is really close by.  I grabbed my keys and went to the store.  Upon my return I walked into the house to face a wall of canola oil cooking away.  My other half was happily frying the chicken for dinner.  He then says, “It’s gluten free.  I used white rice flour.”  I was glad he took up the torch and fried up dinner but I knew I couldn’t eat it.  I told him to warm up the rice.  I’ll eat that for dinner.  I was so sad I started to cry.  I had no idea I would take fried chicken so hard.  I think with all my limitations on my food allergies and then slapping a diet on top of makes me a mess.  After I regained myself I ate my meal of reheated brown rice and broccoli.  I guess you can say I like baked chicken.  After I ate I decided to go swimming by myself.  As I started to change my other half started to change into his swim outfit.  He said he felt so bad for messing up dinner and telling me no that he decided to come with me.  We both felt a lot better afterwards.  The day ended on a positive note.

Me and the scale are going to have words in the near future.  I don’t like its tone.  Well I hope I didn’t sound like a Debbie downer today.  What can I say… I’m a woman..

BBQ Burnt

We Have Chocolate! Come Visit Us! – The Battle Continues

Weight Loss Journal

Day 3:

I am still working out the kinks in WordPress.  Yesterday I made a quick note of something that happened and voila it published.  I learned my lesson there.  Still don’t know how to save a draft for the life of me.

My sweet and confused coworker approached me yesterday with the offer of chocolates over by her desk.  I smiled, nodded and thanked her.  Though I’ll admit I am curious.  It is honest curiosity since I have a bowl of chocolates on my desk for giveaway.   I enjoy watching my coworkers light up like little kids and pick through the bowl for their favorite one.  Once in awhile I’ll sniff the bag when I open it.  Kind of like coffee, I like the smell better than the taste.  I definitely am a sniffer.

This morning was a standstill on the scale.  No movement in either direction.  I guess I can take that as good but it is an all too common theme for me.  I know, I know…..patience…..  The one bright light of the day is my buttoned up blouse fits a lot better than it did the last time I wore it.  I wore it about a month ago.  My chub not pushing the button boundaries is a nice feeling.

I’m excited about tonight since it’s swim night.  I am easily amused.  Tonight will be a little bit different.  While I will be in my own lane swimming away, my two kids are going to be training over in the next lane.  My oldest is a water polo player.  She has been playing for three years now and is pretty darn good at it.  Her team won the USA Junior Olympics for her bracket last summer.  Right now though she has a bad shoulder and is likely out for the rest of her high school season this year.  Her little brother….well he can swim some but he made a deal with a water polo coach for a game ball that he had to play water polo for one season.  This boy is a runner not a swimmer.  The added bonus is the verbal altercation these kids have with each other.  It’s not swearing but it’s funny to hear their intelligent insults to each other.

Diet is the same except I am going to change up my snack today and have a banana.


The Road To Hell Is Paved With Good Intentions – Weight Battle

Weight Loss Journal:

Day 2:

Well I made it to Day 2 of my journal.  It’s a good start so they say.  My swim time was canceled last night due to being a mom.  We had no groceries and discuss with the pharmacist on a Tami flu refund for my son.  I did get the refund.  The pharmacist was a little bit cocky.    While my kids and my husband dove into Sprinkles cupcakes, I chowed down on my raw trail mix looking the other way.  Remembering the good old days of a year ago.  If you never had the experience of having a Sprinkles cupcake, it’s the equivalent of lust in a sugary baked little cake.  You know the Starbucks of cupcakes.  Anyways enough of that reflection.  The rest of the evening was uneventful and relaxing.

This morning the scale was mean to me.  It said I gained that one pound back.  So I am back to 225 pounds.  I know in my heart I didn’t gain it.  Oh course the scale doesn’t factor in emotions.  Darn…  I threw away a scale when we first moved from Tennessee to California three years ago since I thought it was broken from the move.  I was so wrong!!  I think scales have a hidden way of communicating with each other.  Anyways that’s my conspiracy theory on scales.  I read an article and have been told by my former trainer I should weigh myself once a week.  Yeah right….  It’s like telling an addict you should only do drugs once a week.  I did wake up bloated and yucky feeling.  So my monthly friend is coming to town real soon.  So yep!  I’m going to blame my pound on that and run/walk/crawl with it and weigh myself again in the morning.

As I type and eat my celery with hummus sticks I can give thanks to my strong willpower and my husband for not going off the deep end on this food/weight loss adventure.  My husband is the true food addict in every way.  A packet of Oreos left unknowingly in the open by the kids will be hunted down by my possessed demon half as though he is stalking his prey.  The end result is an allergic reaction to wheat and two Benedryls along with a discussion of remorse, regret,swelling, pain, and a string of  “I’ll never do that again.”   While I am think, “Right…. till next time.”  Unfortunately I eat less and healthier than him and still have a hefty load on me.  He is 167 pounds and 5’9″.  Someone has a warp sense of humor…

Hello world! Here’s My First Day of Weight Loss Journal and Introduction To My Old Battle

Weight Loss Journal:

Day 1:

Well let me start off by saying I hate keeping journals and logs but this time I think is going to be different so I thought I better give it a try.

A little background about myself, I am a 5’4” woman in her early 40s.  Two weeks ago I weighed 230 pounds or 229.5 if I had no clothes on.  I love to play the scale for that half pound.  I have not been a big girl my whole life.  In my younger days before children (B.C.) I was a nice 127 pounds.  Back then I thought I was getting fat.  Man was I wrong!  I was very athletic and playing indoor soccer in the evenings.  I use to love getting the attention from the guys and I had a figure to back the claim in those days.  Let’s fast forward a little bit.  Over 16 years ago I gained 80 pounds during my pregnancy with my first kid.  During that time I managed to get down to 187 which was tough.  Then the second kid came around 11 years ago.  I gained 58 pounds with the second to top out at 245.    A year after the second I managed to get down to 205.  Now bear with me to one more fast forward jump to a few years ago.  We just moved back to Southern California from East Tennessee.  We lived in the South for 11 years.  Prior to that we lived in CA.  That was a different adventure and story on its own.  I was feeling hopeful that my weight problems would subside.  Well I could hope anyways..

Truth is I’m not the stereotypical fat chick.  I am very active and have eaten relatively healthy.  I have tried Medifast and Metabolife with short term results.  I would drop weight like the dickens and then plateau.  Metabolife made my heart flutter like crazy.  Not a good feeling and not worth it.  I went to a personal trainer with dietary tracking in Fitness Pal logs for 4 months with zero results.  In fact I gained 5 pounds.  The trainer was very confused and had no answer for me.  I thought it was my thyroid.  Maybe a medical ailment.  Nope!  Slow metabolism.  Nope!  In fact the weight loss facility had a test for it and guess what, it was in the normal/high range.  WTF!!  What gives!  I went to an allergist and found out I had some good old fashion food allergies.  So in a weird way that was good news.  I am allergic to Paprika, Dill, Cinnamon, Thyme, Tuna, and Beef.  That’s good since Paprika is in practically every processed food in the US.  Plus my husband is allergic to wheat so I was good in giving that up too.  I was diagnosed 1 ½ years ago with the food allergies.  Readjusted my diet… Nope!  I took up lap swimming last summer.  I swim laps three times a week to this day.  While I still hadn’t lost a pound I am still in good shape for my size.  Ah yes for my size.  I love hearing it, “You hide it well for your size.”, “You are in good shape for your size.”, “Your vital signs and bloodwork are great for your size.”  Aarrrgghhh!!

My family tells me I inherited my dad’s fat gene.  I’ve seen how he eats and does not exercise.  His dietary habits are so terrible it makes me look like I am an extreme health nut.  Whenever I see him I pray I don’t get any bigger.  I don’t want to be my dad’s size.  My brother is very thin and in great shape.  My mom is still very active and at least 50 pounds lighter than me.  My dad and I are the “well-rounded” bunch.

So now to two weeks ago.  I was sitting around bawling my head off about my lack of weight loss.  You know frustration goes in spurts.  My husband says he’s fine with my weight but would rather me to be happy since that’s important.  That’s sweet dear but it doesn’t help.  Well it was time to surf the web again for the umpteenth time to see what recommendations for an allergic, chubby gal like me are hanging out there.  While in my search for a cure, my left index finger started to remind me of how much it hurts.  I must be getting arthritis..  Hmm… Don’t arthritic people have dietary restrictions?  So I went to the website for Arthritis Foundation.  For those who don’t know.  They sure do.  I decided to give it a go.  I didn’t want to be overweight and arthritic to boot.  To be honest that’s the exact direction I am heading.  Years ago when I worked in worker’s compensation we use to take bets on a people who got knee injuries.  The majority of them were severely overweight.  The Arthritic diet calls for plenty of fruits and veggies.  Okay the usual stuff. No white rice, white potatoes, additional sugar, or Trans fats.  Wait??  What??  I been eating white rice or red potatoes with my veggies and chicken.  The sugar part well I think I’m okay…  I’ll have to knock off the occasional coffee in the morning.  Since I tend to drown it in sugar.  Trans fats okay but no cheese.  I have cheese like once every couple of days but now this is bad news.  Okay I can do it.  Whimper.

The first day of the diet was good.  The second day wasn’t pretty..  I had this low humming headache from hell that no Tylenol could stop.  This headache lasted four days.  It was brutal.  There was nothing I could do to kill the pain.  Recommendation.  If for some reason you decided to do without sugar.  For God’s sake please start on a Thursday or Friday so your coworkers will not have to endure any wrath or outburst from you.  Plus your bed is your best friend on the worst days.  After my withdrawals had subsided I decided to put in place a food plan that is now starting work.

This morning I got on the scale and I weighed 224 pounds.  I had to check it a few times and moved the scale around to three different places in the bathroom to confirm it.  A little OCD??  Yeah probably.  Been burned by a scale before?  Royally..  Those little bastards are mean.  The last time I weighed 224 was three years ago while I was doing Medifast.  Before that I cannot remember when I was under 225 naturally.  So here’s what I do now.

In the morning I have two eggs with avocado and mushrooms.  I add salt, pepper, and lemon juice.  I have a small glass of non-fat milk for health purposes.  I then make a travel mug of green tea to take to work.  Got to have my caffeine stimulant somehow.  I also keep bottles of water with me throughout the day.  My mid-morning snack is paprika free hummus and celery sticks.  Lunch is a Five Star Foods protein pack.  I don’t eat the cheese in the pack.  I just turn my head, throw it away, and pause for a moment of silence.  I try to pretend it never came with the pack.  The hardest part is the after lunch to dinnertime.  I chow down on oranges and applesauce to give me the energy to make it home and cook dinner.  Without eating the countryside in between.  Dinner I cook baked chicken, brown rice, veggies.  I make extra brown rice for my snack attack moments and yes I put butter in it.  I can’t deprive myself of all little pleasures.  Then of course there is dessert!  I use raw trail mix with raisins and nuts, plain yogurt, and berries (strawberries and blueberries are my weapons of choice), and agave nectar for my sweetness.  I have to make sure the mix is raw since a lot of trail mixes have sugar added to it and yogurt has to be plain.  You get used to the plain yogurt after awhile.  I also pack some of the trail mix with me on swim nights so I don’t claw the walls of the car riding home.

What I plan to accomplish writing this blog?  I don’t know for sure yet.  Right now I am going to try to hold myself accountable to write on a daily if not weekly basis of my weight loss/weight gain adventure.  Oh!  And maybe down the road I can take a picture of myself that isn’t cropped to show only my head and neck or hiding behind my kids.  I got dreams you know….