The Road To Hell Is Paved With Good Intentions – Weight Battle

Weight Loss Journal:

Day 2:

Well I made it to Day 2 of my journal.  It’s a good start so they say.  My swim time was canceled last night due to being a mom.  We had no groceries and discuss with the pharmacist on a Tami flu refund for my son.  I did get the refund.  The pharmacist was a little bit cocky.    While my kids and my husband dove into Sprinkles cupcakes, I chowed down on my raw trail mix looking the other way.  Remembering the good old days of a year ago.  If you never had the experience of having a Sprinkles cupcake, it’s the equivalent of lust in a sugary baked little cake.  You know the Starbucks of cupcakes.  Anyways enough of that reflection.  The rest of the evening was uneventful and relaxing.

This morning the scale was mean to me.  It said I gained that one pound back.  So I am back to 225 pounds.  I know in my heart I didn’t gain it.  Oh course the scale doesn’t factor in emotions.  Darn…  I threw away a scale when we first moved from Tennessee to California three years ago since I thought it was broken from the move.  I was so wrong!!  I think scales have a hidden way of communicating with each other.  Anyways that’s my conspiracy theory on scales.  I read an article and have been told by my former trainer I should weigh myself once a week.  Yeah right….  It’s like telling an addict you should only do drugs once a week.  I did wake up bloated and yucky feeling.  So my monthly friend is coming to town real soon.  So yep!  I’m going to blame my pound on that and run/walk/crawl with it and weigh myself again in the morning.

As I type and eat my celery with hummus sticks I can give thanks to my strong willpower and my husband for not going off the deep end on this food/weight loss adventure.  My husband is the true food addict in every way.  A packet of Oreos left unknowingly in the open by the kids will be hunted down by my possessed demon half as though he is stalking his prey.  The end result is an allergic reaction to wheat and two Benedryls along with a discussion of remorse, regret,swelling, pain, and a string of  “I’ll never do that again.”   While I am think, “Right…. till next time.”  Unfortunately I eat less and healthier than him and still have a hefty load on me.  He is 167 pounds and 5’9″.  Someone has a warp sense of humor…

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